The purpose of this site is to allow you to apply electronically for a job with JEL Maintenance Pte Ltd (“JML”), or any other members of the JML Group. "JML Group" means JEL Maintenance Pte Ltd and its related corporations.

Your Responsibilities
You are responsible for the content, accuracy and completeness of any application or information you submit to this site. If you do not supply full and complete information, this may prevent or delay the processing of your application or information. If you provide third party personal data to us (such as the personal data of your spouse, children and/or family members), by doing so, you confirm that you have obtained their respective consents to our collection, use and disclosure of their personal data on these terms. You confirm that the information that you submit is true and accurate and does not violate any applicable laws or breach any contract or render JML Group liable to any claim or proceedings whatsoever.

What Personal Data We Collect
“Personal data" is data that can be used to identify a natural person. Examples of your personal data include your name, address, contact details, education background, employment history, references and results of employment checks.

We collect personal data about you and where required, also about other persons, such as your family members, spouse and/or children.

Your provision of personal data to us is voluntary. However, please recognize that if you choose not to provide us with the personal data we require, it may not be possible for us to contact you, process your application and/or consider you for employment.

What Happens to Your Information
You acknowledge that information you submit to this site may be supplied to and used by the relevant member(s) of JML Group to assess and process your application. In addition to the data supplied by applicants, the selection process may involve the supply of further data and JML Group may obtain data from the applicants or third parties (including referees and public records). To help understand the skills of certain applicants, JML Group may suggest a personal profile exercise be carried out. All such data will be kept strictly confidential and used by JML Group for recruitment purposes, but JML Group may provide and/or transfer such data to any agent, contractor, or third party service provider (or a subsidiary, holding company or related company thereof), who provides administrative, data processing, computer or other services to JML Group; business partner in connection with the processing of applications for any positions applied for within JML Group; and any other person(s) reasonably requiring the same in order for the relevant member(s) of JML Group to assess and process your application. If such data cannot be obtained, JML Group may be unable to consider the applicant.

Even if you are not selected for the position for which you apply, we may consider that you have skills and experience that would be of value to the JML Group. For this reason, if another potentially suitable vacancy exists or subsequently arises, we will contact you to obtain your consent to transfer your application to the relevant JML Group member for consideration.

Data of applicants (including unsuccessful applicants) will be destroyed within 5 years of application.

By providing us with your personal data, you agree to the above terms and to the terms of the respective country JML Group member’s personal data protection statement and you consent to our collection, use, transfer and disclosure of your personal data on these terms.

If you have any enquiries, comments or suggestions about how JML Group collects, uses or discloses your personal data or this statement, please contact us by email at